Welcome to my private practice

As a Clinical Psychologist with over 18 years of experience, Tanya is well equipped to help her clients deal with a wide range of psychological issues.

My primary intention as a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist is to provide an environment where each client feels safe, respected, fully listened to, cared for and emotionally understood. It is only by creating “an atmosphere of permission” where trust, empathy and unconditional regard can flourish, that deep personal transformation can occur in psychotherapy.

I see the psychological problems we present with as stemming from our unmet needs around safety, dependency, love, worth and freedom. We develop strategies over time to protect us from our emotional wounds. In this way our personality structure is formed as an adaptive strategy to be in the world, in the best way we can manage.

When clients choose, Tanya draws on her subsequent training.

Tanya offers mindfulness and body centred techniques in therapy to allow her clients to access, understand and release core emotional blocks in deeply transformative ways, using the somatic psychotherapies of Hakomi and Radix.


Using Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be seen as our ability to self-witness, with curiosity and compassion, whatever we are experiencing in the present moment. There’s now considerable evidence to suggest that developing our capacity to be mindful can have positive benefits on our mental health.

With Hakomi, you are invited to explore the richness of your interior world which includes your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, images, memories and impulses. This gives you much more information about yourself than just talking; allowing you to access, and ultimately transform, your unconscious material.


My Hakomi training led me to see the importance of working with the body in psychotherapy and understanding the body-mind connection. I then sought training in psychotherapy that works even more somatically. I underwent an intensive 2 year Masters level training program in Radix body centred psychotherapy. Radix seeks to release our physical armouring that protects us from feeling uncomfortable feelings (such as pain, fear and anger), thereby freeing our life-flow to bring more joy, love and trust into our lives. I have found Radix has given me a very powerful tool to facilitate deeply transformative processes in my clients.

Each client has different needs and so the therapeutic orientations I draw on are varied. My professional training as a Clinical Psychologist was primarily in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which can be a highly effective modality for some clients.

My primary goal is to help my clients to be more self-compassionate, self-accepting and self-empowered; and to live happier, more fulfilled lives. I see our ability to be mindful, to be willing to be fully present to ourselves, as a primary tool for self-transformation.

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0439 658 554


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Phone: 0439 658 554

2A/40 Shaftesbury Pde, Thornbury

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